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Welkom op de website van de ervaren dekmeester Ton Boxman. Voor deskundige en professionele hulp bij dekkingen van verschillende hondenrassen.
I am Ton Boxman and my cynological roots start with the New Foundland, as a  breeder, breed advisor, exhibitor and as a mating assistant.
I don’t think that there is anyone in the Netherlands who has helped create more pups than me.
After more then 40 years of stud dog handling there will have to be well over a  few thousand pups!!
Topbreeders from all over Europe know how to find Nunspeet, but also the occasional breeders like tot use my help with a mating.
Of course there are always a lot of jokes made by family, friends and neighbours, usually a bit sexualy related, but the most heard comment i get is:
Can’t those dogs do it on there own?
I can assure alle those people, the dogs are always doing it themselves!

Contact +31 (0)6 273 534 75


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